Monday, March 1, 2010

Praying is doing something for the Kingdom

As I am making ready my own heart and mind for the Full Restoration of Yahweh's Kingdom and what that entails, I am wondering what can I be doing now? With scripture saying for us not to be anxious for anything, I am now finally able to step back out of an anxious mode that I once was in daily, regarding making Aliyah to Israel. I know that all things will work itself out in the Aliyah process and I await the day when that can take place for my husband and myself. Yet I can be pro-active in my prayer life for Yahweh to move people's hearts now. To move the hearts of Judah to accept brother Ephraim as co-laborers of the Kingdom. Which also means praying for the hearts of the Rabbinate and Sanhedrin (Beit Din) as well as the political leaders of Israel. I think these are part of the "mountains" Yahshua was talking about that we have the ability to move if we would just have the faith of a mustard seed.

Also to move the hearts of Ephraim to understand who they really are. They are not part of the church, they are Lost Israel hiding out in the church and must come out from "Babylon."

I see so much of Ezekiel 37 on the verge of being fulfilled. The dry bones becoming flesh. Our stony hearts (all Israel - Judah & Ephraim) becoming flesh, and the 2 sticks becoming Echad. Messiah's desire for Israel is that we were unified - Echad as He, Yahweh and the Ruach are Echad. Just because Messiah Yahshua physically said it 2000 years ago does not take it out of the present tense. So that gives me hope that He is making us Echad.

Have the actual 12 Brothers, sons of Yakov (Jacob) ever really gotten along? We see from the accounts in Bereshit (Genesis) not really, no. Even after Joseph is reconciled to the family, they all move to Egypt, and after Yakov passes, the brothers wonder if Joseph is going to take out his revenge now that dad is gone. Loads of mistrust is still there. Judah doesn't want to assimilate to Christianity and Ephraim doesn't want to give up Messiah. I say we agree where we can and let Yahweh bridge the gap of all the other differences. Now in reality what we all really need is The Torah and The Testimony. I feel blessed to have both right now, before Messiah returns. But for some it may not be until Messiah returns that both parts are restored to them. Yet for now I can be pro-active in prayer for that restoration.